Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Weird Dreams

I've read all about the weird dreams that some pregnant ladies have, but not been too affected. I have weird dreams in the base case, so I wasn't expecting too much. But last night was strange. First I had a dream about daycare. Our baby was in daycare and I went to visit at lunch. The daycare was in a shopping mall, in a normal storefront. The cribs were across the back. The baby - a boy, with very blue eyes, I was so happy to see that his eyes were going to stay blue - was asleep with his head out between the crib bars. That didn't worry me for some reason. There was more weirdness to the dream - I also had an older child, maybe 6 years old, a girl, who was also in the day care and acted like an infant, other than being able to talk to me. I don't remember all the details now. Then I dreamed about getting a Subway sandwich. Going through the line, picking out my toppings. It was the whole process, and when I woke up it struck me as weird that I'd had such a long, detailed dream about getting a sandwich. Maybe I need to start having a snack closer to bedtime?

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