Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Quick Update

Sorry I've been so quiet lately! Just popping in for a quick update, bullet style.

- I am feeling fantastic! Baby Mikke moves around like crazy, though Pete has a magic power to calm the baby down. In other words, whenever I say "ooh, feel here" because I've been feeling a ton of kicks, he puts his hand there and the baby stops moving. Almost every time!

- We are going after work today to pick up the newly painted dresser and bookshelf that my mom did. She sent us a picture that looks fantastic, I can't wait to see them in person! I'll post pictures when we get them in the nursery. Now we just have to pick a crib and glider.

- Thursday I have my doctor checkup and also have to do the glucose tolerance test. Fingers crossed I pass! If I fail, I have to do a longer test that requires 12 hours of fasting. That is an eternity for a hungry pregnant lady!

- Tomorrow I am 28 weeks pregnant... As Pete said this morning, wow, that's starting to seem pretty far along! I'll try to get a new belly picture up - according to the folks at work, I look bigger everyday!

1 comment:

  1. Greg had that same magical power while I was pregnant...too bad it didn't work with Avery after she was born :( And...the glucose test isn't so bad...good luck! I'm so excited for you guys...
