Friday, October 2, 2009


Well, the high risk doctor doesn't want to see me anymore. I've been rejected. Which in this case is fantastic news!! We had our last followup ultrasound yesterday after the news back in July that there were some risk factors seen on that scan, and everything looked absolutely perfect. Baby Mikke is measuring almost two weeks ahead, keeping with the family tendency to have big babies. We got some cute pictures and another DVD, so I'll get those posted this weekend. It was such a relief to get such good news yesterday! In celebration, Baby Mikke was quite active last night, actually keeping me from falling asleep for the first time. The new hobby in our house is watching my belly jump around!


  1. Thank you, God! I prayed for you back when your mom confided in me about Baby Mikke during the summer. Can't wait to see Baby Mikke "in person". I think you will LOVE being a mom!
