Friday, May 14, 2010

Surgery Day

Yesterday Ben had to have a surgical procedure - at the risk of embarrassing future-Ben, we've been calling it his wee-wee surgery. (More information on hypospadias.) He was such a trooper!

In his hospital pajamas... You'd never know it had been so long since he'd slept or eaten!

After the procedure.

Finally home again - he's so cute when he's groggy!

Today he's pretty much back to normal. He's still on pain meds, so when he goes down for his naps he konks out instantly and I have to wake him up to eat after a sound two hour nap, but otherwise you'd never know he had surgery yesterday. Our brave little boy!


  1. I have to say it again...Ben is one of the cutest little boys I have ever seen!
    I am so glad things went well with his surgery. My thoughts are with all of you.

  2. Obviously all the prayers worked and everything went well. Your pictures are so sweet, but then so is Ben.
