Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Virginia Trip - Cox Farm Festival

Tuesday in Virginia we were on our own, since everyone was back in school and work. We decided to take Ben to the Cox Farm Fall Festival, and it was so much fun! There were animals, hay climbs, huge slides, and a very interactive hayride that I didn't get on camera but that Ben still is talking about. It was a fun day!

Climbing the hay with Daddy.

Ignoring all the slides, Ben just wanted to walk back and forth over the bridge.

These slides are amazing!

Ben decided he could do this one on his own.

Ben loved petting the goats.

Having lunch in the train.

Checking out the bunnies.

Driving the lawnmower.

This slide was huge! I think Daddy and I enjoyed it as much as Ben, though climbing the hill to the top was quite tiring.

Ben would hop up at the end and yell "Do it again!!"

Ben finally fell asleep on the plane home that night and slept through getting off the plane, getting our luggage, getting on the parking shuttle, and into his carseat. He was worn out!

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