Sunday, March 4, 2012

Three Months

Juliet is three months old!

  • She is so strong. She still loves to stand up on your lap, and she can roll from her tummy to her back and once has rolled from her side to her tummy. She gets her legs pretty far over from her back but can't quite roll yet.

  • She loves to grab things. Your arm skin will do if she doesn't have a lovey nearby, but we try to give her softer things to hold on to! She also loves to suck on her hands, and is very noisy when she does it. She holds her own hands against her chest a lot, which is adorable.

  • Last week she started screeching. It is hilarious. I've gotten it on video and as soon as I catch up on video editing, I'll get it posted. Ben also loves to imitate her!

  • She still goes down for her naps easily, and still only sleeps for 45 minutes or so.

  • Twice now she's slept from 7:45pm to 4am! Usually she sleeps until sometime between 2 and 3am, then eats again at 5am, and is up for the day between 6:30 and 7am. Her bedtime routine is the same as it was at two months except I just put her in bed around 9pm instead of feeding her when I go to bed.

  • By my admittedly rough measurements, Juliet weighs 11lb 12oz and is 23" long. We'll get new "official" measurements at her 4-month appointment. She can still wear her 0-3 month clothes, though I've washed her 3-6 mo outfits to maximize how long she gets to wear them.

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