Saturday, August 4, 2012

Eight Months

Juliet is eight months old! She seemed to grow up so much this month, she hardly seems like a baby anymore.

  • Juliet now officially crawls. On her hands and knees. She has quite good form! I don't think Ben crawled like this until right before he started to walk. Let's hope we've got a little more time before Juliet starts walking!

  • Speaking of walking, Juliet pulls up to a stand on just about anything, and can cruise along the couch or coffee table. She is good at transitioning back to the ground, too, without crashing.

  • We finally got to hear some sweet babbling this month. JJ still often just shrieks or blows raspberries, but she'll throw in some adorable babbling now too. No "mama" yet, though... We're working on it.

  • This girl loves to eat! She's graduated from baby puffs to cheerios, and also loves anything we let her try: banana, peaches, peas, zucchini, cornbread, beans, pasta... We can't keep up, she has a crazy appetite.

  • Still no teeth! Looks like she is going to be a late teether like Ben.

  • We are fighting a pretty good diaper rash right now - I only mention it because I can't remember ever having issues with Ben, but we're up to the extra strength Desitin and considering calling the doctor for a prescription. Poor baby!

  • According to my unofficial measurements, Juliet weighs 17.2 lbs and is 26" long. This is still about 25th percentile. She wears 9 month clothes quite comfortably, and she even still wears some of her 6 month shirts and rompers. It is so funny to have a baby actually wear the size that matches her age! I think Ben was in 12-18 month stuff by this age.

  • We have settled into a nice routine. Juliet takes two naps, about 8:30am and 1pm. She has bottles at wakeup, 10am, 3pm, and bedtime. She gets solids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, a combination of homemade baby food and finger food. She sleeps through the night, waking anytime between 5:15 and 6:00. She is happiest if she wakes after 6am, and I can usually hold her sleeping for a little while if she wakes up before 5:30. Hopefully that settles down and she starts sleeping until 6am more regularly!

  • 1 comment:

    1. Love how you do this each month. I wish I had this for my kids :))
