Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sixteen Months

Juliet is sixteen months old, which apparently means she's much too grown up to smile for her picture.

  • We have words! Juliet is trying more and more to repeat things we say. She's still best at Mama and baby, but tries to say lots more like Grandma, milk, Ben, DJ, cheese, uh oh... Mostly we are still the only ones who can understand her but she is trying so hard! She also makes the hand sign for more any time she wants anything, which can make it a little hard to figure out what she is asking for. And this kiddo is good at saying no with a very vigourous head shake.

  • Ben and Juliet play so well together! There are definitely bouts of sibling squabbles when someone takes someone else's toy (JJ has quite a temper) but they can also make each other laugh so hard. We do have to remind Ben to be gentle when he gets a little enthusiastic, but Juliet can actually take quite a bit.

  • Juliet is in a champion sleeping phase. She goes to bed by 7:30 after the easiest bedtime routine ever, and wakes up around 6:30 or we have to wake her up to get her ready for daycare. She naps for about two hours in the middle of the day but really just goes with the flow if things get messed up. She still sleeps with about eight pacifiers in her bed - one in her mouth, one in each hand, and a few extra - but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

  • We are starting to have a slightly picky eater on our hands. Juliet can still eat more than Ben sometimes, and seems to eat better when we put her food on a divided plate like Ben gets, but she doesn't automatically eat everything we put in front of her. She can get very loud and bossy when she wants something different.

  • I know it's way too early to talk about potty training, but Juliet does already tell us when she needs a new diaper. She'll either just reach down and grab her diaper, or if she can get to the diaper bag, she'll grab all the supplies, find a good spot, and lie down for a diaper change. Maybe she'll be ready for the potty on the early side!

  • Juliet now has eight teeth, four on the top and four on the bottom. I don't feel any more imminent, and she usually drools like crazy when she's about to get new teeth. Luckily they don't seem to bother her more than what a little tylenol can fix.

  • Our little girl is so friendly. She'll go say hi to anyone and give them hugs, she babbles and smiles at everyone, and doesn't seem to have a shy bone in her body.

  • She is finally growing out of her 12-month clothes! This is working out great since the weather is warming up and her 18-month stuff should last her the summer (barring a growth spurt). Per my rough measurements, she weighs 24 lb and is 30" tall.

  • At first this was the best I could get! What an attitude!

    "Ooh! I see the kitty!"

    Just another pic of our pretty girl.

    1 comment:

    1. She is so cute!!! I can't believe she is 16 months old already ... how time does fly. Hope you're doing great. - Sarah
