Friday, October 4, 2013

Twenty-Two Months

We are two months away from two! Juliet is turning into such a toddler. She does something new everyday to make us smile! (And also to exasperate us...)

  • Juliet finally got another tooth! Her upper right canine is working its way in, just when Ben's did too. Our kids may be late teethers, but they sure prove it runs in the family.

  • The baby doll playing has started to escalate. Juliet now offers her babies drinks and pacifiers, snacks, and also takes them to the potty. It is so adorable.

  • It is still getting easier to understand Juliet, though there are definitely complete conversations she has where we just look at each other and shrug. Common phrases now include "Stop, Mommy" and "Me do it". Luckily if we can't understand her, we can use trial and error and she'll say "No" for ages until we finally figure it out and then she gets excited and says "Yeah!" She is definitely making me aware of my grammar, since I think she gets the "Yeah!" from me.

  • Juliet likes getting her hair fixed now but she is usually very opinionated about the bow that I use. I can't just use the bow that matches, she gets to pick it out. Daddy is learning how to fix her hair too since he is often the one to get her ready on school days.

  • Sleeping is still great, though Juliet's bed is getting very full since she wants to take everything to sleep with her - dolls, stuffed animals, blankets, books. She takes about a 2 hour nap (sometimes closer to 3 if we wear her out) and sleeps about 12 hours at night if we don't wake her up for school. After some exciting interest in the potty, we've seen no more action and are happy to wait until after the 2-year mark to think about potty training.

  • I finally have an excuse to shop again since I don't have any fall clothes for Juliet. Her few 2T outfits still need the sleeves rolled up, but the 18-month clothes don't look like they'll last the full season. I haven't weighed or measured her lately but she seems so grown up these days. I would guess she's staying right on track, but we'll see in a couple months at her checkup.

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