Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Little Background

Unfortunately, this is not the first time we've been through the excitement of seeing a second line on a pregnancy test. In late January, I was experiencing all the same symptoms and sure enough, pregnant!! We started making plans, thought up a fun way to tell our parents, and scheduled my first OB appointment. By the time that appointment rolled around right on the five week mark, things were already over. Hormone levels were ultra low, and sure enough, the next day it was over.

We're not sure what happened that time but it was probably just a "common" early loss. It happens a lot - much more often than I realized before I started looking around online and talking to people.

It's hard to decide how much to share with family and friends, but it helped to hear about so-and-so who had a very early miscarriage and went on to get pregnant the next month. So here is my evidence! I had a miscarriage at five weeks and got pregnant three months later.

Everything so far looks good but it is still really early, so I will feel better when I make it to that important heartbeat ultrasound. Appointment on June 3rd!

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