Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Patience is a Virtue

I've already called the doctor's office once this morning to see if my test results were available, but no luck. They're expecting them today but figure the lab is just behind because of the holiday weekend. After three days of barely wanting to get off the couch, taking naps, and not being able to decide if I'm hungry or queasy, I am pretty confident of good results, but it will still be a relief! Fingers crossed for a bit longer...

In other news, Pete was surprised at the dentist today by a hearty "Congratulations!" from Dr. Couch! Turns out someone (cough*Katy*cough) isn't very good at keeping our secrets. We'll give her the benefit of the doubt until we hear her side of the story!

Updated to add: Well, sure enough, it was a misunderstanding. I'm not really sure how the dentist decided I was pregnant, but he was confident enough about it that he got Pete to admit it! Hopefully he's good at keeping secrets, since lots of our coworkers go to him...

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