Friday, May 29, 2009

Telling the Parents

We had so much fun tonight telling our parents our news!

Peter's parents were out of town on Mother's Day and we hadn't had a chance to get together with them since then. So we invited them and my mom over for a belated Mother's Day grill out.

We started out with a subtle food theme - baby caprese salads (grape tomatoes, a basil leaf, and a little ball of fresh mozzarella on a toothpick), sliders (small hamburgers), baby pickles for the burgers, half-size tator tots, salad with baby spinach and baby corn... Nothing too obvious.

While we were preparing dinner everyone was outside looking at the garden except me and my mom. She said she had woken up in the middle of the night and had a premonition that I was going to tell her I was pregnant!! I chuckled and said "yeah, right" - this was their mother's day celebration, not mine! Phew, close one.

As we were sitting around after dinner all the fur babies were nearby and being cute. I "suddenly" remembered that we had Mother's Day cards from the babies! Pete, could you go get them? We had printed custom Mother's Day cards, signed on the inside with paw prints from all the fur babies, labeled with their names. There was a fifth print - a baby handprint - labeled "Baby Mikke." Karen's jaw dropped and her eyes got wide and she looked over at me. "Really??" My mom looked and me and said "Who's Baby Mikke?" "Who do you think it is?? You had a premonition, didn't you??" Once everyone caught on there was much happiness and tears and hugging!

I think the hard part will be keeping the news just within the family. Mom and Karen are both so excited and definitely want to share with friends! We all have to hold out just a few more weeks...

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