Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I have a bump!

My bump was looking especially bumpy today so I thought I would share a picture. This is after work, so it's a little more pronounced than in the morning, but there's definitely something in there!

Tomorrow I am 16 weeks pregnant! We really haven't done anything to get ready - we haven't worked in the nursery, I haven't read any books or started a scrapbook. But 16 weeks seems like a big deal for some reason, and suddenly I'm wanting to do things to prepare for this baby!!

Also, tomorrow is my follow-up bloodwork that will check more accurately for Down's Syndrome and other genetic problems. It will take about a week to get the results, so I have an ultrasound next Wednesday to coincide with getting those results and hopefully we'll get some good information about this little baby. Crossed fingers and prayers appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. You and your bump are beautiful! I look forward to seeing your bump grow. Reading your blog is such a fun way to keep in touch. Give baby Mikke a rub for me.
