Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Baby Blitz

Last Saturday Pete and I went to our all day baby blitz class. We got to tour the hospital, and learned a lot about what to expect on the big day. After religiously avoiding realistic birth videos, we watched several, including a c-section. Well, I didn't actually watch the c-section video, at least not the real surgery part. We also practiced some relaxation techniques and learned about all the different pain medications available. We both got a lot more out of it than we were expecting!

On Friday I have an ultrasound to check on the size of the baby. After consistently measuring about a week ahead, at my last appointment my belly suddenly measured three weeks ahead! They just want to take a peek and see what kind of monster baby I'm growing. My family has a history of big babies, so it won't surprise me if this little one is chunky! I'm looking forward to getting to see the baby again before we meet him or her.

If we get any good pictures I'll be sure to share them here! Our nursery is also almost ready, so I'll try to get some good pictures as soon as Peter gets the curtains put up, maybe this weekend. Only six more weeks to go!

1 comment:

  1. Can you believe baby Mikke is almost here? After Christmas it will be time, wow!!
