Friday, September 30, 2011

21 Months

Ben is 21 months old! Just three more months to the big two, at which point he will be a Big Brother. Time is flying. Ben has been so much fun this month. He constantly asks "Who dat, Mommy?" for anything he wants identified, and if I can't tell what he's asking about, I just say "What do you think?" He "ummmmmm"s (the sound he makes when he's thinking) and comes up with something, sometimes pretty off the wall.

We were sitting at dinner the other night and DJ was looking out the window. "What DJ doing?" Ben asked. "Looking for something." I said. Ben thought for a second, and then said "Grasshopper! DJ step grasshopper. Grasshopper in the grass." He told the whole story of a patio grasshopper adventure from several weeks earlier. I had no idea he could remember things that well!

His favorite foods are still all fruits, but he loves yogurt, and will eat tender meat especially with something to dip it in. He does okay with his veggies but is constantly changing what he'll eat enthusiastically. Today might be green beans but tomorrow he might refuse them!

Ben is still a good sleeper, getting in about 11 hours a night and napping for close to two hours on the weekend. He is definitely like his daddy - not a morning person. We go in to get him in the morning and even if he's been awake for a little bit, he does not want to get up. He is still usually in a great mood, though!

His favorite toys right now are definitely his cars and trains, but he loves to color and build block towers and run around in the backyard. Now that the weather is finally a little cooler, we're spending a lot more time at the park. Everytime we pass a park, Ben says "Park! Slides! Schwings!" It's adorable. What a great kid!

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