Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ben at 5 Years Old

I can't believe Ben is five! He is such a kid now, no trace of toddler left. Here are some facts about Ben at five...

- He loves all things Superhero (Avengers, Spiderman, Ninja Turtles...)

- He loves and is great at doing Legos. He got the big AT-AT set for his birthday, and needs help finding pieces sometimes but otherwise does it pretty much on his own.

- We found out this summer that he LOVES roller coasters. He is checking his height often to find out when he is big enough to ride the local Boardwalk Bullet.

- Ben is learning how to read. He can sound out most small words, is getting a lot better at writing, and draws really fun pictures.

- It is a lot of fun listening to Ben play. He has a great imagination! When he and Juliet are getting along, it is even better hearing what they come up with.

- Sometimes we get a visit from Ben in the middle of the night because he has had a bad dream. I guess this is the down side of his vivid imagination!

- He is very logical and literal. He is sometimes too smart for his own good! My favorite recent quote is from a recent behavior incident - I was enforcing a consequence, and he was trying to negotiate. I kept saying no, so he said "Why aren't you accepting any of my solutions!!"

- Despite growing up so fast, Ben still loves hugs and snuggles and is my sweet boy!

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