Sunday, August 9, 2015

Tennessee - Visit with the Jacks

After finally getting our luggage Friday evening, we got on the road into Kentucky to visit my cousin Heidi and her family. We got there right as the sun was setting, and I wish I'd gotten a picture of the view driving onto their property at sunset. It was amazing, and such a welcome relief after the unexpected change in plans. The kids all immediately got along and acted like they'd known each other forever!

Sunday morning after breakfast we headed over to do a little exploring at Raven Run. The hiking trails were perfect for the kids and ended at an overlook that was a great place to take a break and have a snack before heading back.

We went back to the house for some lunch and Peter spent some time on the porch enjoying the view and the hummingbirds. Heidi and James really found a wonderful spot to call home!

After lunch and a little down time, we headed east to Natural Bridge State Park for some more hiking. We did several shorter out-and-back trails that the kids really enjoyed before tackling the longer hike to the natural arch. Juliet was flagging a bit on this last walk but overall was quite a trooper! I expected the kids to fall asleep in the car but they were having so much fun chatting and playing that they were awake the whole drive back to the house.

Juliet was pretty done by this point of the day, and I thought this picture was hilarious!

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