Thursday, February 4, 2010

Magic Swaddle

Ben is such a sweet baby, but he was really having trouble staying asleep. I could tell he was tired, he would fall asleep in my arms and stay asleep when I put him down, but he would wake up way too soon. Turns out I wasn't doing him any favors letting him keep his arms out of his blankets.

It's too soon to say it really works, but he's taken two good naps and slept a lot better last night thanks to the magic swaddle! Doesn't he look adorable? My little baby burrito.


  1. Hey, Sarah! Found your the updates of your cute little one! Hope mommy-hood is treating you well!!


  2. Avery is almost 5 months old and still needs to be swaddled (at night) to sleep! We used the kiddopotamous(sp?) for a while and now use the Halo swaddle sack. I think she may be 30 before she can sleep un-swaddled. Ben is adorable and lucky to have such wonderful parents. I really hope to meet him soon!

  3. So glad you discovered the swaddle - it was truly a life (and sleep) saver for us! Grant slept fully swaddled until he could break out of two of them on his own. And he was happy!!! We used all of Dr. Harvey Karp's soothing techniques (including the tight swaddle), and I can easily say that my life is better for them! So glad you guys are doing so well - can't wait to meet the little man!
