Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Two Months

Ben had his two month checkup today! I was anticipating big stats, since he seems to be quickly outgrowing all his 0-3 month clothes. Sure enough: weight - 13.5lbs, height - 24" (both 80th percentile). He is a little chunker! Looking back at the one month photo, it is so neat to see how much he has grown in just a month.

I also thought this photo was cute:

And proof he's definitely not 100% steady yet - he kept slumping over into his teddy bear. I love the "woah!" expression on his face.


  1. He's adorable! We take Avery this week for her 6 month check up. I'm guessing our kiddos weigh about the same....she's just a peanut for her age.

  2. You and Peter have a cute, cute, cute kid! I can imagine all the joy he brings to your family.

  3. SO CUTE! Cannot wait to see Ben again! Perhaps a visit to San Antonio is in the future??? We'd love to have you!!! :)
