Thursday, July 15, 2010

Finger Foods

We've been giving Ben puff cereal for a few weeks now for practice but he's always just moved them around the tray or thrown them on the floor. Somehow tonight it magically clicked that those little puffy things on his tray were edible and Ben started picking them up and trying to eat them. Granted, only about 1 in 10 actually makes it into his mouth (the dog and even one of the cats have quickly figured out it's worthwhile to hang out by the high chair), but the deliberate effort to pick them up and eat them is pretty awesome!

1 comment:

  1. he is such a cutie! I can't believe that he's already at this stage -- time is flying by so quickly! glad to hear that you're having fun with your little one. grant is keeping us busy now that he's walking and we're trying to prepare for baby boy number 2's arrival in a few weeks! - sarah
