Ben is thirteen months old! Well, he has been for a week. What a big boy he is becoming! He has two new teeth, and now has four total; he loves to use them to tear off bites of tortilla, cheese, graham cracker, just about anything. He moves so fast now, he can almost run, and he can get up and down the stairs safely though definitely still requires supervision. His language is exploding - a few new words include ball, milk, cheese, jammies, down... and many more. Granted, not all are understandable outside the family, but we know what he's trying to say! He loves going outside, especially to play with Daddy's remote-controlled truck and go for rides in his wagon. Ben is 100% on table food and cow's milk now, which has sure simplified meal time. He prefers his food unmixed - plain noodles and plain tomatoes are good, but lasagna usually gets thrown on the floor. The transition from bottles to cups was too easy, and dropping the bedtime bottle pretty much went without a hitch, too. Just say "okay, it's time for jammies!" and he heads into his room to start the bedtime routine. I could just go on and on - Ben's personality has really blossomed this month!

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