Ben is 17 months old! He got a ton of teeth this month - three molars and finally two more front teeth just this past weekend. He is just in the last month really starting to enunciate his words, and has put two words together fairly often. "Hi, Daddy" "Where's Addie" and other phrases like that. It is so fun to see him learning language! He is obsessed with trains (he is distracted in these photos by his awesome Freight Trains book) and will say "choo choo" to anything that remotely looks like a train. He knows two of the kitties names (Hitch and Addie). He picks up on everything - I'll be talking to Peter about one of the cats being upstairs and all of a sudden he's at the baby gate shaking it and saying "upstairs!" He nods "yes" now in addition to shaking his head "no" which is very helpful, especially when he's cranky about something, which is still usually because he's hungry. I could go on and on! He is just so much fun.

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