Ben is nineteen months old! He is so much fun. He repeats everything we say, and figures things out that surprise us all the time. And he remembers things from weeks ago! He is such a creature of habit - if we do things a certain way once or twice, he wants to do them that way every time. He says "stop... go!" at all the stop signs on the way to and from daycare, he throws his hands up in the air and says "we're here!" when we get to daycare, he shouts "all done!" when he's full and then "wash hands!" because one time we took him to the sink to wash his hands when he was really messy.
He puts his hand on the backdoor and says "outside, hot." I think that's Mommy's influence! In my defense, it is consistently around 100F these days! Our big development this month is that he sleeps on his pillow. We put a pillow in his crib around the time we found out I was pregnant because we wanted to start adjusting him to things for a big boy bed, but he ignored it. Grandma put him to bed on Friday and talked a lot about the little boy in Ben's "Chugga Chugga Choo Choo" book who was in bed on his pillow. When she went to put Ben in his crib she asked if he'd like to use his pillow and he nodded. He's done it ever since! It is so cute and looks so grown up.
I know there was more that happened this month but this is long enough! I want to try to get a video of him just being his cute self but he is obsessed with the camera and it just turns into him walking up to me and trying to take the camera. We'll work on it!
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