Friday, December 30, 2011

24 Months

This is our last monthly photo for Ben! He is 24 months - two years! - old. It is hard to believe that two short years ago he was as tiny and helpless as his baby sister. Having her for contrast definitely makes him seem even more grown up.

Ben has really started to show his independent streak in the last couple months. We hear a lot of "Me do it!" and he gets more upset when we don't do things the way he wanted. But he is also so curious about the world around him! He is always asking "What that called?" and pointing at things.

Ben is such a good big brother. He loves to hold Juliet's hand, touch her head, and give her hugs and kisses. He brings her toys and tells me he wants to play with her. Hopefully that is still true when she's big enough to take his toys on her own!

Ben still loves all things boy - cars, trucks, trains, planes... Though he has a very tender side and loves to cuddle, and currently sleeps with 10+ stuffed animals. We accidentally sent him to stay over at Grandma and Grandpa's without his two primary "babies" and that did not go well! He still sleeps with a pacifier ("sucker") but knows it is only allowed in his room. He still takes a ~2 hour nap everyday, and we're going to hang onto that as long as we can!

He can count to ten (though when he's "counting" he always goes all the way to ten, even if there are only five of something). He can start the ABC song and will point out that something is a letter. He knows all the main colors, though sometimes says orange is yellow and brown is black. Grandma made him an awesome stuffed whale whose mouth unzips, and inside are little fish in all the colors, so I'm guessing it won't be long before he gets all his colors right!

I think what impresses me most is the abstract concepts he gets. He brought out his hat to put on and Peter pretended to put it on his own head, and Ben said "no Daddy!" They both laughed, and then Ben said "Daddy just kidding!" We love our big boy!!

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