Saturday, February 4, 2012

Two Months

Looking back at Ben's monthly photo posts, I wish I had written more about what Ben was doing each month. I started doing that as he got older, but I'm going to try to start now with Juliet! Here is her second month, in bullet form.

- She is a very happy baby, she smiles very easily and in the past week or so has developed a huge grin. We've been playing a little game with her bunny rattle that I swear has made her giggle.
- She is so strong, when you hold her on your shoulder she holds her head very steady and is basically standing up. She loves it when you hold her hands and let her stand on your lap.
- She loves to lay on the floor, kicking her legs and waving her arms.
- She is getting very vocal, and makes the cutest little hooting noise. I've been trying to catch it on video but whenever I get out the camera, she clams up.
- After eating she is happy for a while, and then fusses for her pacifier, and then fusses for a nap. She is quite predictable right now! She will fall asleep "on her own" in her crib or boppy, but stays asleep best in the swing.
- She still looks like she is opening her eyes as wide as she can. I think this is why we get lots of comments about how alert she is!

- Since I keep wondering how Ben's routine changed as he grew: Her current bedtime routine is a feeding between 6:30-7:00, then a bath (on bath night) and jammies, then we rock in Ben's room while he gets his bath with Daddy. Then I do Ben's bedtime and Peter swaddles Juliet and puts her in the swing. She dozes in the swing until I want to go to bed. Then I change her diaper, swaddle her, feed her, and put her in bed. She is usually sound asleep at the end of her feeding and doesn't eat again until 3am, then sleeps until 6:30am or so. Sometimes she wakes up around 12-1am, and either goes back to sleep on her own or needs a quick rocking. Now if Ben would stop calling for me at 1am and then waking up at 6am, I'd be getting a decent amount of sleep! She falls asleep really easily for naps but often only sleeps for 45 minutes or so and then needs to finish her nap in the swing or we run errands during naptime.

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