Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Four Months

Baby Juliet is four months old!

  • This month she found her feet, and her hair. She loves to hold on to everything, and will just clutch her own hands together if that's all that is available. She is reaching for toys, and frequently grabs the owl off her bouncy seat bar. She loves the skwish and another rattle ball we have, but will also wave around Ben's cars (he brings them to her to "play" with her).

  • The biggest development this month is that Juliet can roll from her back to her tummy! When I get a chance to catch up on videos, you'll have to see, she's already a pro.

  • She has really let loose with the giggling this month. You can always make her laugh by tickling her, but now she'll also laugh when you do something silly, or at least something she thinks is silly!

  • Sleeping has become an adventure. She still prefers to sleep swaddled, but can break out of even the tightest wrappings, or just flip over to her tummy in her swaddle. I've gotten her down for a couple naps unswaddled, but she never sleeps as well that way so we're going to try to hang onto the swaddle a little while longer!

  • Juliet loves taking a bath! We've moved her baby tub from the kitchen sink to the big tub so Ben can help with her bath. Juliet smiles and splashes, and Ben uses a little cup to help rinse her hair and keep her warm. It's adorable.

  • She is still a very efficient eater. She eats every 3.5 hours during the day, with one feeding between 8pm and 7am.

  • We've started putting away the 3 month clothes though she can still wear some of them. The onesies fit, but the pants are all short, so her proportions seem to be a little different than Ben, who is all torso.

  • Stats from the doctor today: 12lb 10oz (25%), 23.5" (25%). The doctor repeated that Juliet probably "won't have my height," but clarified that doesn't necessarily mean she'll be short!

  • The past few nights, we've put her in bed after bath about 7:15. She sleeps until around 8pm when I feed her and put her down for the night. She'll wake up about 3am to eat, then is up for the day about 6:30am. About half the time she wakes up before it's time to eat and I have to help her back to sleep without feeding her.

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