Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Nine Months

Juliet is nine months old. She just continues to do more and more to amaze us!

  • Juliet got her first tooth this month! I actually thought until today that she had both of her front bottom teeth but it actually looks like she has only one. She cut that tooth, had a major diaper rash, and got a cold all in the same weekend. We were all tired that weekend!

  • A few days ago Juliet would just clap and clap her hands. It was so cute! She won't do it on command, but I'm sure it won't take her long to do it intentionally when she is excited.

  • We took another trip this month and Juliet did great. Both our flights were at bedtime with layovers and she was a trooper. She put up very well being dragged all over Virginia with strange naps, and she loved getting to play with all her cousins.

  • Juliet's tongue is always out. She loves sticking out her tongue! I think it's even more often now because she loves feeling her tooth.

  • Our photos are starting to have a little more outtakes! Though she's been mobile a few months, having Daddy and big brother in the room this time was just a bit too tempting.

  • Juliet loves table food. We let her eat pretty much anything as long as it's pretty soft (remember, just one tooth!). She gets a little annoyed now when we try to feed her. She still has four bottles a day, but loves a sippy cup of water with her meals. Breakfast at home is usually all finger food (this morning she had half a banana and a pancake) and she still gets purees at lunch and dinner.

  • Naps at school are short and at home are long. She usually naps about 90 minutes twice a day at home, longer if she has a rough night. Bedtime is by 7:15 and she sleeps through, though still wakes up at 5am sometimes, 6am on a good day.

  • At her 9-month checkup last week Juliet weighed 18lb 1oz and was 27" long. According to the doctor this is 40th percentile or so, so she's creeping up the charts! She is starting to outgrow her 9-month clothes and I'm washing the 12-month stuff. I'll be glad when she can wear her clothes longer than 3-months!

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